- Program: Erasmus+
- Activity: Jean Monnet Module
- Project number: 599918-ЕРР-1-2018-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE
- Project’s title: European Values in Literary Arts
- Acronym: EUVOLIA
- EU Funding: 29400 euro
- Terms of implementation: 01.09.2018 – 31.08.2021
- Beneficiary: Zaporizhzhya National University
- Contacts: euvolia.znu@gmail.com
EUVOLIA Course Schedule:
9:35 room 326 (building 2) – even and odd weeks
11:25 room 326 (building 2) – even and odd weeks
Current questionnaire:
What is your personal set of values? Click here to find out! (UA)
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