It’s hard to imagine Erasmus+ project team’s life without the National Erasmus+ Office Ukraine! Throughout the years, a devoted and enthusiastic team of NEO Ukraine has been ZNU’s most trusted partner on many international projects – starting from first TEMPUS initiatives and continuing with ongoing Erasmus+ activities.
This year’s traditional seminar for Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project managers taking place online December 3, 2020, proved to be as useful and productive as usually. Zaporizhzhya National University was represented by a powerful team of several Jean Monnet Modules, among them JMM EUVOLIA. We are proud to say that this year our university has scored third among all the Ukrainian HEIs by the number of Jean Monnet projects.
During the seminar, EUVOLIA team shared their experience in disseminating project results on International Erasmus+ Days held annually at Zaporizhzhya National University and discussed best practices adopted by the project in terms of visibility and inter-project cooperation under associations (like APREI) and bilateral agreements.
Many thanks to NEO Ukraine for their enthusiasm and support!