What do You Know about European Values? EUVOLIA Welcomes Newcomers

September 5, EUVOLIA team, impersonated by Stan Cherkasov, Oleksandra Nikolova, Kateryna Vasylyna and Olena Tupakhina, welcomed its new students enrolled for EUVOLIA course for the 1st semester of academic year 2019-20. This time, our course would be taught to the representatives of the Slavonic Studies and Journalism Departments eager to raise their professional profile by getting to know what the European Values are and how do they influence  our everyday practices. 

This is what we’ve learned from the results of a short survey on European Values taken right before the course start: 

20 out of 20 of our students claimed they had heard about European values before.

15 out of 20 stated they understood the concept of European Values thoroughly; 3 out of 20 found it difficult to assess their knowledge in this subject. 

Tolerance, democracy, feminism and individualism were marked as the most important European values by the majority of the group. Surprisingly, the rule of law wasn’t mentioned at all, contrary to the gender equality issues! 

Half of the students think Ukraine has already accepted at least some of the European values. 3 out of 20 students think we would never be able to share the whole set of European values due to national mentality. The rest of the group postpones the process of European values adoption for at least two generations.

12 out of 20 assess their set of values as European or mostly European. 3 students position themselves in the paradigm of traditional Ukrainian values. The rest sticks to 50/50 variant. 

And what’s your vision of European values? Click here to find out!