Brief course presentation (ppt) available here (UA)
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Why should I consider EUVOLIA “European Values in Literary Arts” as a #1 optional subject?
Module: “European Values as an Axiological Construct”
Teacher: Stan Cherkasov, PhD
“Top-3 POIs of my module:
- the genesis of European Values: how did we get them?
- East vs West: clash of values
- Ancient and Medieval takes on European values
Тop-3 reasons to join the course:
- get to know the modern European world picture through the culture;
- interdisciplinary of the course;
- master critical deconstruction of values and become immune to ideological manipulations
Module: “European Renaissance: the Roots of Modern Anthropocentric Outlook”
Teacher: Kate Vasylyna, PhD
“Top-3 POIs of my module:
- get to know the Renaissance and how it is still influencing the world around you;
- learn what the Democracy, Freedom and Human Happiness meant for Utopians;
- solve Freedom of Will vs Tyranny dichotomy alongside Shakespeare
Top-3 reasons to join the course:
- master communication skills and broaden your horizons;
- rethink your values and get ready for a modern multicultural and pluralistic world;
- gain an immense pleasure from reading well-known masterpieces anew!”
Module: «The Values of Enlightenment and Romanticism: the Antagonism of Public and Private»
Teacher: Oleksandra Nikolova, Doctor of Philology
“Top-3 POIs of my module:
- civil society, social activity, social justice, tolerance and gender equality – have they been here since the XVII century?;
- meet the Classics: rediscover Corneille, Goethe and Hugo;
- political influence upon fiction;
Top-3 reasons to join the course:
- get as much as possible from our interactive means of study – make your journey through the texts and the ages fruitful and comfortable;
- master your teamwork skills when working upon the group projects;
- train your critical thinking by taking parts in debates and discussions!”
Module: «The Values of Industrial Age»
Teacher: Olena Tupakhina, PhD
“Top-3 POIs of my module:
- the Rich and the Poor: “the two nations” or one family?
- «Dangerous Science»: the Mad Scientist’s genealogy
- «The Woman Question»: from the Angel in the House to the New Woman
Top-3 reasons to join the couse:
- get to know your own culture through comparison;
- discover the hidden messages of modern movies, series, books and songs;
- express yourself – enjoy the unlimited creativity!”
Module: «ХХ century: Reevaluating the Values»
Teachers: Olena Tupakhina, PhD
“Top-3 POIs of our module:
- L’Homme révolté facing the XX century challenges;
- Back to the Nature: Ecological issues in fiction;
- Identity construction in a globalized world;
Top-3 reasons to join the course:
- mix sweet and savory on your way to understanding yourself;
- become a real Kulturträger ;
- take an opportunity to finally read the books you’ve promised yourself to read!”