Stanislav Cherkasov
PhD in History, associate professor
Module: «European Values as an axiological construct»
Research interests: East European geopolitical challenges, constructionist identity theory, historical dimension of Polish Studies

Kateryna Vasylyna
PhD in Philology, associate professor
Module: «European Reneissance: the Roots of the Modern Anthropocentric Outlook»
Research interests: the Renaissance, English Renaissance literature, comparative studies, intermedial studies

Oleksandra Nikolova
Doctor of Philology, Professor
Module: “Axiology of Enlightenment and Romanticism: Public vs Private”
Research interests: comparative studies, theory of literature, history of Russian, Ukrainian and West European literature of the XVII – XIX centuries

Olena Tupakhina
PhD in Philology, associate professor
Module: “The Values of Industrial Age”
Research interests: Victorian age, Neo-Victorian fiction, Postmodernism, philosophy of history