Following the two productive days of EUVOLIA European Values in Ukrainian Education International Conference, our participants share their feedback online. We are delighted to say that, according to online survey, over 90% of the conference attendants felt absolutely satisfied with the event. Some of them even wrote about the conference on their HEIs websites.
For Iryna Druzhkova, Associate Professor of the Chair of Sociology, Philosophy and Law at Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, the strongest point of the conference was that it attracted people from various fields of study to discuss the issue equally interesting for all. She specifically praised an inspiring atmosphere during breakout sessions and trainings that allowed everyone to take part in the discussion and to get feedback from experts and the peers.

For Vira Tarasenko, Associate Professor from Tavrida State Agrotechnical Dmytro Motorny University, the conference looks like a “real feast of science – just like any other event held at Zaporizhzhia National University”.

Many thanks to our conference attendants for their positive remarks! We’re looking forward to welcoming them in Zaporizhzhya for the second EUVOLIA conference next year.