Just wanted to say farewell to year 2019, so reach on events and achievements, and to ponder on EUVOLIA team’s main accomplishments:
- teaching European Values in Literary Arts to 63 students from 3 different faculties, including 16 vocational education students;
- delivering 2 workshops for 63 secondary school teachers (looks like 63 was our lucky number this year :))
- holding a grand Round Table on European Values for the New Ukrainian School” for teachers and education managers, JMM teams, NGO representatives, Ukrainian and foreign academic community;
- getting our own Jean Monnet classroom!
- publishing 2 papers and taking part in 4 international conferences;
- throwing a lot of promo events and presenting our project not only in Ukraine but abroad as well – thanks to Erasmus teaching and administrative staff training in the University of Foggia, Italy
And many more ahead! New study group, April seminar for teachers, LEAP workshop in Lviv… So stay tuned and join us next year!